Welcome To STPRI's Blog

The purpose of this site is to showcase and as well as to inform on the updates and news which are currently happening within STPRI or any thing that correlates with Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri.

-By Love Serve One Another-

NOTE: We are very SORRY for the Late updates...here are some of the current events within STPRI.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


On the 30th October 2010 Saturday afternoon, the STPRI teachers had their Teachers Day Lunch celebration at the iLOTUS restaurant which was hosted by the English Department
the english department decided that it was 70s dressed up theme
The new STPRI ROCK BAND!! (wannnabe)
cheers..bob marley
Fun & activities on the set
Our own Axel Rose wannabe, and the winner of best male dressed Cikgu Amir sith, and for the best female dressed was Cikgu Elfie

The real Band perfomed during the celebration which was led by STPRI's JOHN LENNON (back from beyond)
Everybody sing-along
Picture session

Special thanks again to the ENGLISH DEPARTMENT for excellent lunch STPRI Teachers Day celebration 2010