Welcome To STPRI's Blog

The purpose of this site is to showcase and as well as to inform on the updates and news which are currently happening within STPRI or any thing that correlates with Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri.

-By Love Serve One Another-

NOTE: We are very SORRY for the Late updates...here are some of the current events within STPRI.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FLOOD IN STPRI - January 20th '09

On the evening of the 20th January, Brunei experiences a lot of heavy Rains, and (from the Brunei Times News) it was recorded that the rainfall was at 167.7 mm and had caused major floods especially in BSB. Our school were also one of the places that experienced the floods.
Picture showing the water overflowing from the trench behind our school to the School Arena and also the classrooms.
These photos were taken courtesy of the teachers who came to help the watchmen during that night.

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