Welcome To STPRI's Blog

The purpose of this site is to showcase and as well as to inform on the updates and news which are currently happening within STPRI or any thing that correlates with Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri.

-By Love Serve One Another-

NOTE: We are very SORRY for the Late updates...here are some of the current events within STPRI.

Friday, March 13, 2009

DOA Selamat & Briefing for the UK Trip

On the Friday of 13th March 2009, STPRI held a briefing and the reciting of the DOA Selamat Prayer for the safe journey and success of STPRI's Lit & Culture Study Trip to England..
The Study Trip is led by Ckg Seri Ainey (English Department STPRI) and Ckg Hj Metussin (DP STPRI) whom are also giving the briefing on and about the studey trip as well as accomadation and activities during the visit..
The Doa Selamat was recite by non other than our own Ugama Teacher Uztaz Ckg Hj Zul Ehsany (below) who will also be joining the study trip along with a few other teachers to help supervise the students during the visit..

Among of the guests during the functions are students and parents..

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