Welcome To STPRI's Blog

The purpose of this site is to showcase and as well as to inform on the updates and news which are currently happening within STPRI or any thing that correlates with Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri.

-By Love Serve One Another-

NOTE: We are very SORRY for the Late updates...here are some of the current events within STPRI.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


As one of the End year activity of STPRI 2010 and as recent new traditional event for STPRI, BINTANG STPRI 2010 which was held on 11th November 2010
The participants in Bintang Stpri are final lists stars from year 7 & 9 students

The loyal fans of BINTANG STPRI
The man behind the curtains

The Prize presentations
The winner the Student Bintang STPRI
The winner of the Bintang STPRI for teachers & staffs perfoming as closing event of the day

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