Welcome To STPRI's Blog

The purpose of this site is to showcase and as well as to inform on the updates and news which are currently happening within STPRI or any thing that correlates with Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri.

-By Love Serve One Another-

NOTE: We are very SORRY for the Late updates...here are some of the current events within STPRI.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


On the next day, most of the ground floor classes especially the Year 7 classrooms (Block G) were flooded. Most of the students were asked to clear out their tables and chairs outside at the STPRI arena, giving way for the janitors to clear the water and washed off the dirt.

The students were also involved in cleaning their classrooms as well as some of the teachers and even some from the Admin section including the Acting Principal were also participating in this campaign.
Due to the flood and heavy rains it has caused a lot of disruption in transportation and a few residential areas in most part of Brunei. These have affected a few of the students of STPRI who were unfortunately couldn't attend to school. So we hope for safety and good well being for those were affected due to the flood.

Last but not least a very special THANKS to Traffic Police men and women in helping the everyday traffic at STPRI.

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